LAHORE, (NNI): The Punjab government has decided to implement major and fundamental changes in its overall healthcare system.

The initiative aims to ensure the supply of medicines and doctors through IT-based monitoring from major hospitals to rural health centers.

According to sources, CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif has approved the strict implementation of the Punjab Health Model Plan while the health budget has also been increased by 20 percent.

Medical Superintendents (MS) of city-based hospitals will be responsible if patients do not receive timely and quality treatment.

At the level of Tehsil Headquarters Hospitals, Basic Health Units, and Rural Health Centers, there will be strict supervision, and complaints from patients will result in action against those in charge. Tehsil headquarters hospitals and primary and rural health centers will be strictly monitored and action will be taken against the in charge of patient complaints.

CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif firmly stated, “The one who cannot serve the public does not deserve to receive a salary from public funds”.

A major decision has been made to adopt global health standards across Punjab. Efforts are underway to establish uniform standards for medicine, doctors, and treatment from major hospitals to rural health centers.

During the tenure of former Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the vaccination rate had dropped from 88 percent to 62 percent. The first phase aims to restore this rate back to 88 percent.

The Chief Minister of Punjab also gave the task of completing Pakistan’s first cancer hospital in the government sector on an emergency basis. “Only those who serve the public will be respected,” instructed the Chief Minister.

“Every penny will be spent on free medicines and quality treatment for the public. Those causing trouble to people will be held accountable,” she clearly announced. “Anyone causing hardship to the elderly, children, women, or any citizen will face consequences,” warned the Chief Minister.

Strict implementation of modules to reduce the gap between the number of ventilators and patients, and to improve the quality of treatment, is underway, sources reveal.

A committee has been formed to monitor Basic Health Units and rural health centers. The task of monitoring has been assigned to District Coordination Officers. “Monitoring basic facilities for the public is the duty of public representatives,” the Chief Minister emphasized.

Chief Minister Punjab has also announced surprise visits herself. “We will be answerable to Allah for the people’s suffering,” stated Maryam Nawaz Sharif.

“Dishonesty and corruption in healthcare will have to be answered to Allah,” she declared. NNI


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