ISLAMABAD: China’s hybrid chili seeds hold the potential to transform Pakistan’s agriculture, promising enhanced yields and greater resilience against climate challenges,” reports WealthPK.

“China’s hybrid chili seeds, renowned for their high yield and resilience, offer a significant improvement over the traditional variety,” Said M Nowsherwan, Senior Scientific Officer at the National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), told WealthPK.

“Additionally, the hybrid seeds produce chilies of superior quality, characterized by a uniform size, vibrant colour, and enhanced flavour. This quality boost is expected to open new avenues for both domestic consumption and export markets, thereby enhancing the income of farmers.

He said, “One of the standout features of the hybrid seeds is their adaptability to diverse climatic conditions. Pakistan, with its varied agro-climatic zones, can greatly benefit from this trait. The seeds are bred to withstand extreme weather conditions, pests, and diseases, which are increasingly becoming a concern due to climate change. This resilience reduces the need for chemical pesticides and fertilizers, promoting sustainable farming practices and reducing the environmental footprint of chili cultivation.

“The economic impact of adopting China’s hybrid chili seeds is profound. Pakistan’s agriculture sector, a vital component of the national economy, can gain a substantial boost from increased chili production. With higher yields and better-quality produce, the farmers can expect improved profitability. Enhanced productivity also supports the agro-based industries, creating jobs and stimulating economic activities in the rural areas,” he said.

Moreover, the potential for export expansion is significant. Pakistani chilies can gain a competitive edge with the superior quality of hybrid varieties. This can lead to an increase in export revenues, contributing positively to the national economy.

“While the prospects are bright, there are challenges that need to be addressed. The initial cost of hybrid seeds may be a barrier for small-scale farmers. Government intervention, in the form of subsidies or financial assistance, can help mitigate this issue. Additionally, ensuring the availability of hybrid seeds across all regions of Pakistan is crucial. Establishing a robust supply chain and distribution network can help overcome logistical challenges.

Creating an enabling environment through policies which promote sustainable agriculture and protect the farmers’ interests will be key to the long-term success of this initiative.

Recently, China’s LTEC International Agriculture Development Co. Ltd. collaborated with Pakistani farmers to cultivate chili across 10,000 acres for its export to China. The company, renowned for supplying high quality hybrid chili seed, successfully harvested over 3 tons of dried red chili per acre in June across various regions of Pakistan, including Sindh, and central and southern Punjab.


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