ISLAMABAD (NNI): Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif-led government on Sunday intensified its criticism of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, alleging that its anti-national agenda has been exposed through the leaked communications between PTI leader Raoof Hasan and Indian journalist Karan Thapar.

Talking to media persons, Federal Information Minister Ataullah Tarar has condemned PTI for its purported connections with foreign adversaries, asserting that these interactions reflect a broader agenda to undermine Pakistan’s national integrity.

The Information Minister accused the PTI of engaging in anti-national activities, particularly highlighting the problematic nexus between PTI and foreign entities. He claimed that Raoof Hasan’s exchanges with Thapar included provocative messages aimed at destabilising Pakistan.

Tarar stressed that these revelations align with a pattern of PTI’s interactions with anti-Pakistan forces, suggesting that the party’s agenda is driven by external interests rather than national welfare.

According to Attaullah Tarar, Raoof Hasan’s correspondence with Thapar involved discussions criticising Pakistan’s military and foreign policy, indicating an attempt to fuel discord within the country.

Tarar said PTI’s social media cell in Islamabad was a major source of communication with national enemies. Through this cell, a campaign was also being conducted against the Pakistan Army and the army chief, whose fabric is now meeting with India.

The leaked messages reportedly included Hasan praising India’s stance on global issues while disparaging Pakistan’s position. This, the Minister argued, indicates a deliberate effort by the PTI to promote narratives that align with foreign agendas and undermine Pakistan’s stability.

Information Minister said the nexus between founder chairman PTI and Faiz Hameed, PTI’s links with journalists with anti-Pakistani sentiments across the eastern border and the decision to bring Fitna-ul-Khawarij back through the western border are the worst examples of anti-state agenda of PTI.

PTI who was talking about a bloody revolution has shown today that PTI is carrying India’s sponsored agenda, said Federal Information Minister.

PTI received foreign funding by Indians from abroad, which has come to light in the investigation, said Federal Information Minister.

Federal Information Minister said now, PTI leader’s contact with Indian journalist proved that he is running anti-Pakistan campaign at the behest of anti-national forces.

Tarar claimed Faiz Hameed was also the founder of PTI and proved to be a political leader of PTI to create instability in the country. The fabric of the Faiz Niazi nexus have links with Bushra Bibi, who was a central figure in this nexus.

On the other hand, senior PML-N leader and Senator Talal Chaudhry also weighed in on the controversy, asserting that Hasan’s communications with anti-Pakistan journalists were part of a broader conspiracy to weaken the country.

Talal Chaudhry emphasised the need for accountability within powerful institutions and political parties, highlighting that such leaks only reinforce the necessity for transparent self-regulation to ensure national security and stability.

The controversy surrounding Raoof Hasan’s alleged contacts with Thapar includes several notable interactions. On November 19, 2022, Hasan reached out to Thapar regarding a potential interview with PTI leader Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

Subsequent communications involved discussions on sensitive topics, including Pakistan’s military and foreign policy, with the PTI Spokesperson reportedly downplaying the reliability of Pakistani sources and endorsing India’s perspectives on international issues.

In March 2023, Hasan reportedly sent messages to Thapar labeling PTI members’ arrests as state violence and suggesting that Pakistan was on the brink of a “bloody revolution.”

According to the government, this underscores PTI’s engagement in spreading destabilizing narratives and aligning with anti-national forces.

The Federal Information Minister further criticized PTI for its role in recent political turmoil, alleging that the party’s actions have exacerbated internal conflicts and jeopardized national interests. NNI


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