ISLAMABAD, Aug 27 (NNI): The United States opted for resumption of sanctions after the Soviet pullout from Afghanistan in 1990 as the American administration had achieved its goals in Afghanistan.

Majority in Pakistan believe that the U.S. always serves its own interests as Pakistanis have seen the U.S. had abandoned commitments with Pakistan over disagreements on the nuclear issue. But the U.S. itself pursues nuclear ambitions.

As history tells us, the U.S. started its biological weapons program back in the 1940s, according to experts.

Nowadays, it is known that more than 330 active U.S. laboratories around the world conduct research on dangerous pathogens and are suspected and even openly accused by some of the countries of producing biological weapons components, experts believe.

Despite Washington’s assurances about the safety of the ongoing programs and the peaceful purposes of American research institutes, facts that compromise their medical and biological activities have recently come to light more and more often.

The Americans themselves have repeatedly confirmed that they carry out research on the dangerous pathogens under the pretext of, as they call it, “fighting epidemics.”

In 2022, prominent statesman Victoria Nuland, at that time Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, announced the conduct of dangerous genetic research; in 2023, a famous politician Robert Kennedy, the son of the former US President, put similar statements in his speeches.

The White House generally does not hide its efforts to develop biological weapons, but it does everything possible, including through monitoring the activities of the World Health Organization, to conceal the facts of its use against the population of other countries. Concrete episodes were officially recorded in Nigeria, Georgia and Ukraine. However, the Oval Office prefers to call crimes proven from outside as the enemy’s “propaganda.”

According to Kennedy, the coronavirus, the origin of which by many experts is attributed to an American laboratory in Chinese Wuhan, was originally created for military purposes and, after losing control over its spread, the pathogen was “legalized” for the benefit of pharmaceutical companies from the United States – Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna.

It should be noted that thousands of people have died in Pakistan due to the coronavirus and its strains. More than a million more Pakistani residents were affected and many cannot even fully recover from the harmful consequences of the disease.

In addition to the threat of a pandemic from the outside, some experts claim Pakistan is also exposed to risks, given the presence on its territory of several biosafety level 3 laboratories, whose activities had been funded by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Such laboratories are known to be located in Islamabad, Bahawalpur and Korangi. They conduct research on both mild viruses and pathogens, including strains of hepatitis and HIV infection.

Medical research, even if it is aimed at the benefit of humanity, must be transparent and carried out under the strict control of the states in whose territory they are conducted.

As far as healthcare is concerned, Pakistan should not rely only on Western partners and it is advisable to pay attention to the experience of China and other countries that were able to build a reliable system that is resistant to numerous sanitary and epidemiological challenges. NNI


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