GWADAR, Sep 21 (NNI): Gwadar Port, once a small fishing village and now a major harbor developed under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), is poised to play a crucial role in Pakistan’s import strategy.

According to a recent report, authorities have decided to route 50% of the country’s imports, including wheat, sugar, and fertilizers, through Gwadar Port.

This development is expected to significantly impact Balochistan’s economy and job market. The port, considered a strategic asset for Pakistan, is set to become an international trade hub, with future plans to increase its export capacity as well.

The full operationalization of Gwadar Port is seen as vital for employment in Balochistan and the province’s economic stability. It is anticipated to reduce the burden on Karachi Port and generate foreign exchange, potentially improving the lives of the local population.

Reports suggest that the port’s activation could lead to a noticeable reduction in poverty and unemployment in the region. Job opportunities at the port will reportedly be prioritized for local residents and individuals from other areas of Balochistan.

Beyond employment, Gwadar Port is expected to usher in a new era of education and research opportunities for Balochistan’s youth, contributing to the overall development of the province and, by extension, Pakistan’s prosperity. NNI


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