NEW YORK, June 28 (NNI): Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi has said that the challenges being faced by the world today are beyond borders and the focus of diplomacy should be on eliminating the root causes of the conflicts.

Addressing the a special session of the United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit (UNCOPS) – 2024 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on Friday, Mohsin Naqvi also highlighted that the General Assembly, ICJ and Peace Building Commission are playing an important role in this regard.

Mohsin Naqvi said that their common mission is very clear which is to promote global cooperation to ensure the safety of their community and the security of their nation. He said that they are facing border conflicts in the world, in this situation their unity and common determination is more important than ever.

The minister said that they were facing threats of use of force, external interference, difficulties in expressing freedom of opinion, poverty, inequality, global tension, military alliances and nuclear arms race.

Pakistan will work with the United Nations and all interested states to further develop the concept of peace enforcement, he said, adding Pakistan is proud of longstanding contributions to the UN peacekeeping missions.

Mohsin Naqvi said Pakistan is committed to peacekeeping partnership especially with the African Union and the OIC. He said in today’s dangerous time, the world faced threats of forced foreign interventions, suppression of freedom struggles, poverty, inequality, global tensions, military tensions and nuclear arms race.

The Pakistan’s Interior Minister said preventive diplomacy should focus on addressing the root cause of conflicts. He said the UN peacekeeping missions face increasing challenges from terrorist groups, tribal rivalries and threats to safety.

He said Pakistan agrees with the cause of series and broad-based future reflection of the UN peacekeeping.

The minister suggested that peacekeeping missions must be part of an overall political strategy, which seeks to address and resolve the cause of conflict and violence.

He said the mandate of the UN peacekeeping must be responsive to the special circumstances or situations.

He added that each mission should be provided with adequate human and material resources and advanced capabilities like radars and early warning intelligence.

Mohsin Naqvi said improvement can be made in command and control structure especially to ensure timely response to attacks against civilians and peacekeepers.

He said the collective mission of the UN peacekeepers is clear to foster international cooperation in safeguarding communities and ensuring the security of nations.

The Minister said the strength of our partnership lies in our mutual dedication to peace, security and justice.

The Interior Minister reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to forging peacekeeping partnerships, especially with the African Union and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

He announced Pakistan’s plans to host Peacekeeping Preparatory and Ministerial level meetings in Islamabad in 2025 and 2027, enhancing its partnership with UN Peacekeeping.

“Our strength lies in our collective efforts for peace, security, and justice. Together, we can establish a peaceful world,” the Interior Minister concluded. NNI


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