ISLAMABAD, (NNI): Speaker of National Assembly Sardar Ayaz Sadiq on Tuesday said that eliminating child labour is a key to ensure the bright future of children.

 “Children are the future of this country and no one can be allowed to deprive them of their potential, dignity and rights. Parliament of Pakistan is committed to eradicate child labour “the speaker said in a message on ‘World Day Against Child Labour’.

The Speaker said that child labour is a serious social challenge and it is hurting the physical, mental and emotional growth of millions of children globally, who are unfortunately involved in the child labour.

He further, emphasized the need for enhanced investment in education, social protection programs, and child protective services said a news release. He also stressed the importance of raising awareness about the issue and engaging civil society, parents, children, and the larger public to eliminate child labour along with all its forms once and for all.

Sardar Ayaz Sadiq commended the efforts of all stakeholders working tirelessly to combat child labour and to promote children’s rights. He urged all stakeholders to continue their efforts and work in consensus to eradicate child labour.

On this occasion, Deputy Speaker National Assembly Syed Mir Ghulam Mustafa Shah said that child labour is a serious social issue that needs to be addressed urgently.

He emphasized that children should be have an access to quality education and a safe environment, rather than being forced into forced labour.

He also stressed that the government, civil society, and individuals must join hands to eliminate child labour and ensure that every child has access to their fundamental rights. NNI


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